Nova Scotia Workplace First Aid Requirements

Sky MattixBlog, Provincial First Aid Requirements

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Nova Scotia Workplace First Aid Requirements

The first aid requirements for workplaces in Nova Scotia are based on the number of employees working on a given shift.

For more information, please refer to the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety First Aid Regulations.

1 Employee:

  • 1x Nova Scotia No. 1 Kit

2-20 Employees:

  • 1x Nova Scotia No. 2 Kit

21-49 Employees:

  • 1x Nova Scotia No. 3 Kit

50-99 Employees:

  • 1x Nova Scotia No.3 Kit or Nova Scotia No. 3 Kit Deluxe
  • Additional bandages, antiseptics and dressings proportionate to the number of workers

100+ Employees

  • First Aid Room

The first aid supplies and services need to be accessible during all work hours. First aid supplies and the location or telephone number of the first aid attendant must be posted throughout the worksite, on easily visible signs. Reasonable time for accessing a first aid kit should be used as a rule-of-thumb to estimate if the location of the kit is adequate. (Section 9)

Links to First Aid Kits & Supplies

First Aid Canada is pleased to offer all kits required above well as additional products, equipment and supplies. A highly recommended item to any workplace is an Automated External Defibrillator as it has the power to save lives – for more information on AEDs, click here. If you have any questions regarding first aid and safety in the workplace, please do not hesitate to contact the First Aid Canada Team.

Life is Precious. Be Prepared.